Sunday, March 23, 2008

Proof of What We Already Know

A article of interest was sent to me by BC '08 participant, Matt N. of Chicago, IL via Somers, NY.:

First comment I'd like to make is that it seems that we picked a good year to do this challenge. Bacon is all the rage (obviously at least partially due to us) in '08.

My second comment is that I think the quoted Sharon Boggs is backing up Dr. Todd's assessment that eating all this bacon is A-OK. As a matter of fact, I think Ms. Boggs is telling us to get eatin':

Sharon Boggs, a registered dietitian at the Baltimore Washington Medical Center: "I'd say you can have one or two pieces two or three times per week, matched with other low-fat foods."

Hope the Easter Bunny was good to everyone. Remember, spiral cut ham does not count towards your bacon intake.

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